Tree Pruning Des Moines.
Tree Pruning in Des Moines begins with a paid Tree Health Evaluation from an ISA Certified Arborist. During this visual evaluation an Arborist will identify the Trees needs. Often Judgement calls are made due to the level of the Arborists education and experience. This is where Olson Tree Care can offer the latest research in the world of Arboriculture.

Does your Tree need Pruned?
According to ANSI Pruning standards there is 7 different reasons to prune your tree.
7 Reasons to Prune your Tree.
1.Risk Reduction
(eliminate or reduce potential for failure/damage)
2. Manage Health
(Cut Back of diseased tissue)
(Trimming over right of ways)
4. Structural Improvement or Correction
(Improve branch architecture on young to middle age trees)
5.View Improvement or Creation
(Vista Pruning)​
6.Aesthetic Improvement
(Shaping for Appearance)
(Redevelop Damaged Trees through Tree Snipping or Cutting)
Tree Pruning Techniques
1. Cleaning
- This term is generally used for deadwood removal but can also be referring to diseased and broken sections as well.
2. Raising (detrimental)
- Otherwise known as canopy lifting, this form of trimming often is to provide lower clearance without reducing foliage beyond 25% or so (depending on health, size, time of year etc) and use care to not remove excessive amounts of the live crown ratio. This means that if the tree in its natural form/structure would have a canopy to ground level and the top of the crown is 50 feet, do not prune higher than 10 feet or so which should leave a sufficient amount of crown biomass.
3. Reduce (Promotion of Retrenchment)
- This is the future of Tree Pruning. It is commonly used in tree retrenchment and risk management. Reduction in crown heights reduces wind loading and risk while promoting health. To achieve this goal lower pruning must cease. Crown Reduction is the common term used in this form of pruning. This is used to reduce the heights of tree through reduction cuts or pollarding.
4. Thinning (this is no longer an ANSI approved Pruning Practice)
- Thinning of a Tree was the most common type of method used to accomplish ambiguous Tree Care goals. Tree Thinning was thought to develop structure, Reduce Risk and Manage Health but of these beliefs have been disproven.
Its no secret, We Love Trees!
Often Tree Pruning can be 90% for the tree owners benefit and only 10% for the tree.
What can we do to help our tree?
1. Trim only 1 to 2 times for the life of the tree. Excessive Tree Pruning may open tree's to the spread of Micro-organisms, pests, decay and reduce overall tree vigor leading to unwanted Removal of your Tree.
2. Identify deficiencies and assist. Often trees require additional water for uptake, various amounts of nutrients or often times pest/insect mitigation to extend the life of the tree. Your local ISA Certified Arborist can help with an evaluation.
Tree Pruning Service is just a call away!
Olson Tree Care focuses on Plant Health Care. If you are wondering what technique will increase the vitality of your tree call today.