Tree Health Evaluation
Tree Health Assessment involves an Arborist inspection of a Tree with the goal of identifying biotic and abiotic stressing factors, documenting symptoms, all in an attempt to reach a diagnosis.
Symptoms are the way in which a tree responds to a particular disorder. They are the effects of the causal agent, sometimes showing up in the form of chlorosis, wilting or leaf scorch.
Olson Tree Care in Des Moines, Iowa tries to have at least two symptoms to confirm any given diagnosis.

The Arborist at Olson Tree Care uses some general steps to reach a diagnosis.
- Examination of the roots and the root collar if exposed.
- Identification of the plant. This helps when dealing with biotic disorders. Species profile plays a big part in understanding insects and fungal pathogen‘s that are common.
- Look for a patterns of abnormality. Generally abiotic disorders show up in a uniform pattern while biotic disorders are very random.
- Site examination will identify dynamics such as sun, wind, light etc.
- Leaf inspection assists with understanding tree vitality an vigor by identifying the color, size and thickness.
- Inspection of the trunk and branches.
Arborist Diagnosis can sometimes be as simple as understanding how humans might have affected the condition of the tree. It is said that 90% of all Tree Diseases are from cultural or adverse conditions caused by human intervention.
Olson Tree Care also uses the plant disease triangle in Tree Health Evaluation. To have a disease in a tree you must have a host (which should be the tree), a pathogen and a favorable environment. There can also be a fourth leg to this triangle which would be time. Time is required for the progression of any disease.