Tree Dampening
Tree Dampening is the process by which tree parts in close proximity displace force. It is a core societal belief that tree thinning reduces risk. Olson Tree Care in Des Moines, Iowa has identified that windsail pruning (thinning) increases the likelihood of failure.
Below is footage of a dense tree under wind loading stress during the Des Moines, Iowa Derecho in 2020. (100+mph) You can see the displacement of force perfectly in the last frame of the video. Trees went down all around the Olson Tree Care that day, but not that one.
The contact of leaves and branches reduces the sail effect lowering the risk of failure. In addition, increased biomass and weight reduce the likelihood of failure.
What pruning techniques Increase risk of failure?
- Thinning (no longer an ANSI approved pruning practice)
- Raising
- Epicormic sprout removal.
- Crossing branch removal
What is promotes good biomechanics?
- Reduction
Odd place for Tree Services and Des Moines Arborists to be in the industry of Arboriculture when these maintenance revenue producers are designed for biomass removal. At Olson Tree Care we would rather be on the side of what’s right than what is profitable.