Leaning Trees
Tree Services removing Leaning Trees due to perceived risk may understandable, but it may not always be prudent. Weight distribution is an easy fix for the tree, dedicating cellular growth to beef up density and volume. Stress on the roots can aerate the soil, stimulating new root growth anchoring the tree. These observations should be understood by a Des Moines Arborist.
Some common mistakes that Olson Tree Care has seen other Arborists in Des Moines make on Leaning Trees...
- Tree Thinning or Canopy Reduction to lighten the load. Removal of foliage reduces food production and decreases uptake, which restricts needed structural growth. Some Tree Pruning Techniques may be helpful but an Consultation would be advisable.
- Adding Soil to the roots as an anchor. This reduces moisture to the roots and weighs down the original soil, risking compaction and reduced pore space. This action may cause soil stress leading to tree decline.
- Tree Cabling is another area that that may be detrimental to the leaning tree. Cable installation should be monitored every six months for taut and this is almost never done. A cable also has a tensile strength that does not increase with growth. While the load is being removed, the tree is prevented from developing its own structural wood, reducing strength to support the lean.
What can you do with a Leaning Tree?
- Hire a ISA Certified Arboriculturist to assess the tree.
- Make sure the soil is not saturated for too long, trees tip over from wet soil conditions.
- Monitor the health of the tree and feed. Stimulating new root growth is desirable.
- When done properly, Tree Cabling may have lasting benefits.

Leaning Tree
Soil failure causing lean

Trees with a Lean
Phototropism lean